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Setting Up Your Utilities

Water, sewer, and garbage is provided through the Town of Ogema .
Electricity is provided through SaskPower and Natural Gas is provided by SaskEnergy.

Water, Sewer, & Garbage – Apply in person or by email to

For further assistance contact the Town Office at (306) 459-9000.

The Town of Ogema utility bills are processed quarterly (end of March, June, September, and December) and include charges for water, sewer, infrastructure, and recycling carts.  The billings go towards the operations, repairs and maintenance of the respective services.


Current Rates


Rates as of January 1, 2022:

  Water – 1500 gallons or less ................$51.00 per month ($153.00/quarterly)

               Over 1500 gallons.......................$ 2.00 per 100 gallons or part of thereof

 Infrastructure Charges.............................$8.33 per month ($25.00/quarterly)

 Sewer Charges...............................................$30.00 per month ($90.00/quarterly)

 Curb Side Recycling pick-up................$10.00 per month ($30.00/quarterly)


      Minimum monthly charges $298.00

 This is a minimum cost charged to be able to supply water services to your property even if no water is actually used.  This is the fixed charge for the utility services. 


If you are going to be absent from your residence for an extended period of time, the service can be inactivated and then reactivated upon your return. There is an associated cost with this service. Contact the Town of Ogema for further information.


Bulk Water Sale – $1.00 for 100 gallons shall be charged to persons obtaining water from the coin operated treatment plant.


Water Meter Readings


Residents and businesses of the community are asked to provide water meter readings on a quarterly basis. Notices are provided when readings are required. The Town of Ogema staff read water meters annually in September, but need access to the meter in order to do so.  Please note, if a water meter reading has not been obtained at a location in over a year, the Town of Ogema will not be responsible for adjustments or discrepancies. Regular reading of your water meter allows you to keep your account current and accurate. Your water bill is then based on your actual consumption instead of an estimate that could result in  inaccurate billing. If you have had a number of estimated reads, followed by an actual read – you may see a sudden increase in your invoice if your water consumption was higher than what was estimated. When you provide consistent, actual reads you can monitor your water consumption – this can also help identify any plumbing leaks in toilet or fixtures – saving money.


Paying Your Utility Bill


Utility Bill shall be paid within a period of thirty days from the date of issue. A penalty of 2% per month shall be charged on all unpaid amount after the 30th day of the month following in which they become due.


Payment Methods


The Town of Ogema offers the following options to pay for your utility billing:

  1. Pay at the Town Office during regular business hours via cheque or cash. 

  2. Drop your cheques along with your invoice into the drop box located in front of the office door. Please do not put cash into the drop box. 

  3. Pay by mail: Town of Ogema, P.O. Box 369, Ogema, SK, S0C 1Y0.

  4. E-transfer at

  5. Pay by online banking at your Financial Institution.  By paying online through your financial institution, you will not only avoid a trip to the mail box or Town Office, but you will also save the cost of a cheque and stamp. Your account number is located on the quarterly bill.


November to April


09:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

November to April


09:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

  • Garbage

Weekly Garbage Pick-Up Is Every Tuesday Morning


Monday Morning

  • Recycle Collection 

Loraas Recycling Guidelines


2025 Recycling Pickup Schedule​



Ogema Landfill

Operating Hours

May to October

Saturday & Sunday

04:00 p.m. to 06:00 p.m.

November to April


09:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

Landfill will be also open on

Monday between 01:30 p.m. to 04:30 p.m.

by appointments only.

Call the town office during regular office hours to book an appointment. 

Annual Notice to Consumers

Waterworks Financials 

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