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Citizen’s Guide to Municipal Property Tax Enforcement




Municipal Portion of Property Taxes


Your municipal taxes pay for services such as police, fire, road maintenance, water, sewer, garbage and recycling, regional parks, cultural and recreational facilities, planning, municipal administration and council costs.




School Division Education Portion of Property Taxes


The Town of Ogema is responsible for collecting Education Property Tax from property owners on behalf of the Provincial Government. The Board of Education relies on property taxes to support education throughout the province. The Town of Ogema collects the Education Taxes and forwards to the government for the public school division.


While the Town of Ogema is required by legislation to collect school taxes and local authority taxes, the municipality has no jurisdiction over setting the tax rates.


As of January 1, 2013 the Provincial Government does not allow any discounts on the school portion of your property taxes.


Paying Your Taxes


Payment Methods


The Town of Ogema offers the following options to pay for your taxes:


  1. Pay at the Town Office during regular business hours via cheque or cash. 

  2. Drop your cheques along with your tax notice into the drop box located in front of the office door. ​Please do not put cash into the drop box. 

  3. Pay by mail: Town of Ogema, P.O. Box 369, Ogema, SK, S0C 1Y0. If you are mailing your payment, please allow ample time for your payment to be postmarked by Canada Post on or before the due date.

  4. E-transfer at

  5. Pay by online banking at your Financial Institution. By paying online through your financial institution, you will not only avoid a trip to the mail box or Town Office, but you will also save the cost of a cheque and stamp. Your account number is located on the tax notice.


General Information


  • Your property tax bill covers the period from January 1 to December 31.

  • Property taxes are due December 31.

  • Taxes remaining unpaid after July 1 will incur a penalty of 1% per month and any taxes remaining unpaid after December 31 will incur an additional 12% penalty. Tax enforcement proceedings will commence as per The Tax Enforcement Act if taxes remain unpaid for an extended period of time.

  • The Town of Ogema offers all taxpayers the opportunity to make monthly payments rather than making a single annual payment.

  • All charges on a tax account become the responsibility of the registered owner of the property.

  • Non-receipt of your property tax notice does not exempt you from penalty due to late payment.

  • You cannot appeal your taxes or your tax rate, you can only appeal your assessment and only when the assessment roll is open.

  • Unpaid charges for utility services supplied to a property may be added to the tax roll, whether the service was supplied to the owner or the tenant of the property. This is subject to provision provincially legislated in The Municipalities Act.




Assessment Roll Notice​


Assessment Review and Appeal Period is close for 2024.




What is the Assessment Notice?

The Assessment Notice is NOT a tax notice and does not equal property tax. An Assessment Notice is a notice that is sent to a Ratepayer either every four (4) years after a Re-Valuation (basically a review of the entire Province’s assessment) or anytime there is a change done to a property, including a transfer of ownership.


The Values on the Notice are determined by the Saskatchewan Assessment Management Agency (SAMA) for the Village of Debden.


The notice is telling you what your property is worth. The Assessed Value is not necessarily the Market Value of your property or even what your insurance or bank may consider the value of the property.



Property Assessment Does Not Equal Property Tax


SAMA’s role in determining assessed value for properties is just the first part of a process established by provincial legislation.  The second part is application of provincial government established tax policy, such as property classes and percentage of value, and statutory exemptions.  The third and final part of the process involves municipalities annually determining the local mill rate based on local budget needs.  The province sets the mill rate for the education sector.  Municipalities then multiply the taxable assessment by the local mill rate* to produce property tax levies, also known as your property tax bill. 





*Municipalities have the authority to use a series of tax tools ranging from mill rate factors to minimum taxes.  For more information on tax tools and exemptions see the Ministry of Government Relations website.

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